Etude urbaine pour la requalification de la place du théâtre de Bâle et implantation du Pavillon de la Culture.
Etude urbaine pour la requalification de la place du théâtre de Bâle et implantation du Pavillon de la Culture.
Concours Projet Lauréat / Collaboration Charlotte Viarouge
1er PRIX - Projet Lauréat
GROUND has the ambition of being an urbanistic gesture, providing a new readable public square, becoming part of the network of the numerous public squares of Basel. More than a building, it is an urban issue that is considered. Instead of occupying and fragmenting the square by adding a new pavilion, GROUND houses a Cultural Information Center in the ground thickness.
It generates on top a generous piazza, dedicated to artistic exhibitions and events, with the desire of making Art be part of the city and accessible to everyone. As a strong horizontal plan of reference, GROUND makes a dialogue possible between the Theatre, the Tinguely fountain, and the Richard Serra sculptures, by giving them a common ground.
Publications : MARK Magasine N°49 / Avril-mai 2014 ~ WA N°17 / 2014